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What YOU Can Do: It’s Not as Boring, Confusing and Time-Sucking as You Think!

Cyé Jacobs

We often hear about the power of voting, how much it means and what it can do. However, that advice usually spews from the mouths

of older folks. “GO VOTE! Our country is at stake,” sometimes sounds like scolding rather than guiding young people to the polls. But what if the process of voting wasn’t as drawn out, confusing or boring as we young adults think it is? There’s plenty of propaganda, but what we need is FACTS! HOW does one vote? Who will I be voting for? What are the issues and where do the candidates stand on things that matter to me? What things does a young adult or first-time voter need to know before entering the polls on election day?

  • You MUST be 18 years of age to be eligible to vote in the United States.

  • The deadline for registering to vote in Pennsylvania is at least 30 days before the election date. In this case, October 9th is the last day to register, while November 6th is the day of the midterm election itself.

  • To participate in Pennsylvania elections, you have to register to vote with the Pennsylvania Department of State. You can also register to vote through the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT), at any photo license center, the DMV, and other government agencies. Or, visit

  • You can also go online, print out the registration form, fill it out and send it to PennDOT’s local registration office.

  • You can contact Voter Registration with questions related to voter registration.​

In Philly, that’s:

Mr. Greg Irving

520 N Columbus Blvd

5th Floor

Philadelphia, PA 19123

(215) 686–1591

There are links there to look up your polling place location to see which one is closest and more convenient for you!

  • If you or anyone you know are on probation or parole, you ARE eligible to vote.

  • Those on house arrest, in jail awaiting a trial, on parole, or living in a halfway house or correction center are also eligible to vote; however, they must use an absentee ballot.

  • The first day to apply for civilian absentee ballots is September 17th, the last day to apply for an absentee ballot is October 30th, and the last day for the Board of Elections to receive absentee ballots is November 6th.

Voting can be a whirlwind of a process, but it can also take only 20 minutes with proper procedures when you have what you need on hand (ID, forms). So GET OUT, BE HEARD and VOTE THAT JAWN.

Cyé Jacobs is a sophomore at Temple University and the digital content and social media intern for the #VoteThatJawn initiative.

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